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Adversity is good for business

Keep business running smoothly and disruption running scared.

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Increased commercial connectivity, near to complete reliance on technology, sophisticated cyber criminals, and unprecedented crises all around the globe—regulators in all industries are responding to protect consumer and citizen interests with sharper statutes on operational resilience.

What’s the answer? Full transparency into your processes, IT and data—the foundation of your business. Eliminating unnecessary complexity to reduce threats and increase agility. Mitigating risk to ensure delivery of goods and services. Great resilience—even better business.

What is operational resilience?

Operational resilience is recognized worldwide as the right response to the risk imposed by the high level of interconnectedness across businesses, markets and government organizations. Regulators in all corners of the globe are imposing laws and regulations such as the CPS 230 in Australia and DORA in the EU to ensure market stability and uphold consumer trust and confidence. Although regionally enacted, many regulations require compliance outside regional borders.

Operational resilience is not new but it is increasing in its scope of activities going far beyond business continuity and data recovery planning. Whether driven by law or as to stay competitive, the goal of operational resilience is to ensure a company can respond and recover quickly from a disruption—and to prevent disruption from happening in the first place.

Build your operational resilience with the right solution. Alfabet helps business and IT navigate the stormy seas of operational threats and sail smoothly through regulatory obligations.

What’s the end game in operational resilience?

Now is not the time to let down your guard. Disruption may be a fact of business life but that doesn’t mean you have to welcome it in. Having the right capabilities in place is your first line of defense. Resist, react and rebound with solid footing on a foundation built on proven practices managing the IT portfolio.

Sustainable prevention and protection

Strategically build resilience into operations to withstand any disruption. Use best practice methodologies and frameworks to anchor safeguards and controls into daily business operations—business-aligned and compliance-conscious.

Fewer and less potent business disruptions

Identify all sources of risk, interdependencies, and the potential impact on business and IT operations. Be fully informed and in control of the service ecosystem. Include risk considerations into processes, IT solution design and IT investments.

Reduced costs for cyber security

... hundreds of millions of dollars per year and rising. Address underlying issues that invite risk into the organization e.g., information on processes, IT and data currently scattered across multiple tools and organizations.

Efficient compliance with OR regulations

Drive out the waste and inefficiency from piecemeal risk and compliance programs that have grown organically as new regulations have been introduced. Use the savings to fund more business innovation.

See it for yourself!

Request a demo to see how Alfabet can support your operational resilience needs and get your organization fit for operational integrity.

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Alfabet can help

Gain total transparency

Centralize and document all processes, IT assets, their interdependencies, and how they relate to critical business strategies, initiatives and capabilities. Identify and classify all IT-supported business functions, processes, organizations and locations.

Improve governance

Assign owners to processes and IT assets and document responsibilities for risk-related roles. Capture and use policies to guide planning and change management of the operating model and its underlying IT. Build workflows to anchor risk management processes in the organization.

Get ecosystem clarity

Maintain and update a register of all contractual arrangements for IT services and processes run by third parties. Link critical functions, processes and IT assets to vendors and contracts for full external risk awareness and better control over 3rd party compliance.

Stop risks dead in their tracks

Continuously capture risks from internal and external sources and automatically assess them even as they become known in the market. Categorize, score, and associate them to the enterprise architecture to see what IT and processes are risk-exposed.

World-class companies put their trust in Alfabet